Saturday, March 1, 2008

Booze in the Time of Cholera

From out of the shadows comes anonymous, with his question.

dear inga,

i recently went on a date with a lovely gal. she was sweet, and funny , even if she was a bit of a loud talker. we had a good time, ate, wandered, ended up at my place and after a while of holding back, i finally kissed her sweet lips. we smooched for a bit, and then she sorta freaked out. apparently i was the first guy she had gone out with or kissed since a big break up. so now, we still chat and such, but much less flirty on her part.i can't tell whats up with her. does she like me? did i blow it? is she a weirdo? where are my jameson shots?

Well, anonymous, I bet your order got lost because you didn't give me a name! I thought you said Alcoholics Anonymous, so I didn't want to get you whiskey.

Sounds like she's a little gun shy, since you ask. I think there should be less of a focus on whether you blew it, but take into account she seems to be having a hard time. Maybe she's unsure about you, or dating in general, or both. Unfortunately, I can't read her mind. Though I hear Slyvia Browne is looking for work now that the Montel show is over.

If she's still talking with you, chances are she's interested on some level. What level remains to be seen. Maybe if you ask her out again, let her make the first move with the smooching, then you know she's comfortable. Or not. She could just be a total psycho.

Let me grab you those shots for you, precious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there wench,

On my quest for true love or meaningless-but-still-satisfying sex, I met a girl through a friend. She's good looking and has child-bearing hips, but is a touch too quiet/sober for the likes of me. Still, I told our mutual friend I'm into her to stir the pot. A week later we're all hanging out again when lo and behold, a New Hotness shows up. She's way more bangable and chatty. Crucial turning point: there's a party coming up this weekend, and they'll both be there. Will I look like a dick and risk losing my chance with either if I just go after New Hotness? In related news, my bar nuts are empty, and I'm a man who loves him some bar nuts.
-Someone Touch It Please